Nicca (Original)
Nicca IIIA
Nicca IIIB
Nicca Type - IIIS
Nicca Type-3
Nicca 3-F (knob wind)
Nicca 3-F (lever wind)
Nicca 3-S
Nicca Type-4
Nicca Type-5
Nicca 33
Nicca IIIL
Nicca Type - 5
Manufacturer: Nicca Camera Company Ltd (Tokyo)
Country of origin:Japan
Produced: 1955 - 1956
Number made: 3500 - 4000*
Serial no. range:126xxx - 129xxx
Shutter speeds:
T,1,2,5,10,15,25 (slow speed dial) B,25,50,100,200,500,1000
Standard lens:
Nikkor 2/50 and 1.4/50
The Nicca Type - 5 has flash synchronization (X at 1/25) via a socket on the back of the body and a film type indicator in the film wind-on knob. The lever under the rewind knob is for diopter adjustment.
There is a locking catch on the slow speed dial (at 1/25)
The back of the camera has a vertically hinged door, to allow film loading.
This camera was also marketed as the Tower 5, Snider 35 and Tower 45 and 46 (these last two have lever
instead of knob film wind).
2008年6月30日Nicca 3-S Nicca Type-4 Nicca Type-5 Nicca 33 Nicca IIIL Nicca Type - 5 Manufacturer: Nicca Camera Company Ltd (Tokyo) Country of origi...Nicca 旁轴相机